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Для реконструкторов на эпоху войны US во Вьетнаме.

Вернуться в Война во Вьетнаме, 1965-1975

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Paul Meier
Paul Meier

Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 19.11.2009
Откуда: ХМАО
Сообщение Paul Meier » 24.12.2009 05:37

Новая тема.
У меня в архиве скопилось определенное количество неопознанных фоток бойцов из Рекон Тим/Спайк Тим.
Какие команды - не знаю, вот и прошу помощи в опознании.
Создаю базу данных по СпН во Вьетнаме, вот и возникли вопросы по ходу дела.

Фото выложил в Пикасе. Вот ссылка на альбом:

А пока есть пара вопросов:
1) Есть рисунок бойца, написано, что это РТ Зета.
Что за команда? Какое командование(Север или Юг)? ... directlink
Взято из [Osprey] Men at Arms № 143 - Armies Of The Vietnam War 1962-1975, часть 2
Раз нарисовали, значит есть причины. Но у меня по этой команде нет вообще никакой инфы, вот и спрашиваю тех, кто может знать больше.

2) Чем Спайк Тим отличается от Рекон Тим?

3) Что такое MLT-1?

Хопсер и другие, кто рубит в теме, нужна ваша помощь!

P.S. Кто может поделиться книгой Пластера"SOG: Photo history of the secret wars"
и книгой Харди и Такера "SOG: Team History and Insignia of Clandestine Army" в электронном виде?
Последний раз редактировалось Paul Meier 24.12.2009, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
1st plt., "C"co., 1/1/1 USMC (1968-69)
1st plt., "A"co., 1 Recon USMC (1969-70)
Tôi rất vui khi được biết bạn VC !
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Зарегистрирован: 20.04.2005
Откуда: Волгодонск
Команда: 136-я Гв. ОМСБр
Сообщение Hopser » 24.12.2009 13:35

В альбоме по большей части "Монтана", "Вермонт", "Айдахо". Вечером распишу кого знаю, вплоть до персоналий.

1) Есть рисунок бойца, написано, что это РТ Зета.
Что за команда? Какое командование(Север или Юг)?

Никогда не встречал ни одного упоминания. Название не характерно.

2) Чем Спайк Тим отличается от Рекон Тим?

По сути, ничем. Просто в январе 69, когда укрупняли структуру, заодно и изменили обозначение команд.

3) Что такое MLT-1?

Mobile Launch Team 1, находилась в Фу Бай. Задача - обеспечение заброски групп, координация с приданной авиацией. Вот подробнее, на примере MLT-3

HEAVY HOOK, MLT 3 (MLT = Mobile Launch Team) was the "back door" launch/recovery site for SOG ground reconnaissance operations. We used 56th SOW assets, fragged to us daily from 7/13th AF. The package consisted of 2 FACs from 23d TASS, 3 H3s (later H53s) from the 21st SOS, and 4 A1s from the 3 sqdns of the 56th. On some of the "troops in contact" emergencies, we used Army and USMC assets that would hear our plight on the guard frequency, 243.00, and "wander" into the AO with their gunships. There were several MLTs in Vietnam, the closest to us was MLT 2 at Quang Tri. They used in-country assests, Army, Marines, the VNAF 219th SOS (H34 KINGBEEs), and COVEY FACs. The composition of the HEAVY HOOK team was: 1 MAJ, 2 CPTs, 1 1SG, 3 OP/INTEL NCOs, 1 SF Medic, and 5 Communications NCOs.

Targets were assigned to a recon team (RT) by MACSOG, Saigon. A 6km X 6km "no strike" box was put on the center of the target, before the team was inserted. Several days before insert, one of the MLT 3 troops would fly out with the FAC, taking 35mm hand held photos of the route to the target, the target HLZ, and the "planned" route back. The film was developed immediately in our small photo lab, then made into slides. The mission FAC and team were briefed as soon as possible. On the day of the insert, one of us would brief the aircrews at 56th, showing the slides, and make final preps. We had even developed a "silent" insert technique, where no radio transmissions took place from take off until the team was on the ground and broke squelch to let the insert A/C know they were OK. CPT Jay Merz of the 21st SOS flew lead helicopter on the first of this type insert. I think I was in the FAC, and we were orbiting several miles away from the HLZ. The 21st birds were in and out of the HLZ before I could get back to the actual site.

Once on the ground, teams did their jobs. Our FACs monitored daily, but at night, the teams only had contact with the ABCCC birds (HILLSBORO, MOON BEAM, ALLEY CAT, CRICKET), or with the BAT CATS. Any of the 23d or 20th TASS FACs who were flying night missions could also monitor and assist the teams. It happened with some regularity. Our teams were almost always outside the range of friendly artillery. so USAF assets were essential in keeping our guys alive, and bringing them home. There were so many acts of bravery on the part of these aircrews, that it would take pages to relate the stories. Several websites have some of the info and lots of us have the stories in our failing memories. On completion of the RT mission, or after they made contact, an exfiltration could be called for. When a PRAIRIE FIRE EMERGENCY was declared by the ground team, it meant they needed help NOW, they were in contact with a numerically superior force, and in imminent danger of being overrun. Most exfiltrations were done under fire. There were no easy ones. After a successful exfil, the RTs were usually brought back to the Hook, for initial debrief. After that, a party ensued. In the HEAVY HOOK bar, the RT members (US only) could quaff a few, and swap stories with the air crews. (The indigenous team members were required by treaty, to remain in the back room. We sent food and drink so they could have their own small celebration of life in a more subdued and dignified manner.) The next a.m., the "Blackbird" C130 from 1st Flight Detachment would arrive and take the RT back to their home base where they were further debriefed. Then in a few days, the whole process would start again.

Взято из [Osprey] Men at Arms № 143 - Armies Of The Vietnam War 1962-1975, часть 2
Раз нарисовали, значит есть причины. Но у меня по этой команде нет вообще никакой инфы, вот и спрашиваю тех, кто может знать больше.

Там не написано, что это SOG. У разведгрупп "Дельты" было такое же обозначение. И визуально больше похоже на "Дельту". Да и вообще, Миральди, чья компетентность не вызывает сомнений не слишком высокого мнения об оспреях. Еще раз повторю, оспрей это букварь, а не Библия.
For Our Sins...
3. TDND, Su Doan Nhay Du; 72-75
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Вернуться в Война во Вьетнаме, 1965-1975

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