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Need help!!!


:grin: :) :smile: :( :sad: :eek: :shock: :? :cool: :lol: :-x :mad: :razz: :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: ;) :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :mrgreen: :alc: :alcoholic: :bawling: :beer: :birthday: :bis: :chainik: :coquet: :eek2: :frfr: :git: :gun: :hb: :hit: :idea2: :inlove: :inv: :k|1: :loki: :mol: :pain: :peep: :pom: :tsr: :umn: :unknw: :upl: :ura: :val: :wan: :wht: :yel: :zav: :zha: :zhn: :daz: :HH: :theend: :posideli: :00 :ban: :call: :dest: :mish: :paras: :madd: :010: :cussing: :dog_eyes: :prazdn: :bond: :294: :ignore: :spam: :padstulom: :eat0: :golod: :220: :pika: :shok01: :shok02: :shok03: :vodila: :dogd: :censored: :mad01: ;001; ;002; ;003; ;005; ;006; ;007;

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Развернуть Обзор темы: Need help!!!

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 07.12.2006 23:48

Eheheheheheheheheh :grin: :grin: :grin: anyway, a lot of war mission stories was hide, particulary Soviet Vs Usa!!! More guys that live out from them home to fight for them Native Land and will never return and no one give info to the family :?
Thank you very much for the dvd movie title my Friend...great!!!

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 07.12.2006 19:59

Dj_stecca писал(а):Right my Bro, Soviet Army is the right name!!! I know other strange stories about Soviet Army versus USA Army from an my Friend from Finland. He talking about some real clash between this 2 "oldest enemy" on lost Finland ground with tanks and elicopters disposal, troopers and special forces.....and when the fight end, no one talking about 'cause dangerous escalation!!! It's true??? Boh.... So, what dvd movie title can you post me about Afghanistan war??? Now I've "The 9th Company - 9ja Rota" and "Afghan Breakdown".
Thank you!!! :grin:

I don`t know about this conflict in Finland. May be your friend played "Operation Flashpoint" too much? :lol:

About film... I can advise you to watch "Cargo 300" ("Gruz 300"). It`s very interesting film about modjahedin`s and CIA`s operation against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. There is pattern of DVD cover, but I couldn`t find this film with English/Italian subtitles/sound. :cry:

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 23:34

Right my Bro, Soviet Army is the right name!!! I know other strange stories about Soviet Army versus USA Army from an my Friend from Finland. He talking about some real clash between this 2 "oldest enemy" on lost Finland ground with tanks and elicopters disposal, troopers and special forces.....and when the fight end, no one talking about 'cause dangerous escalation!!! It's true??? Boh.... So, what dvd movie title can you post me about Afghanistan war??? Now I've "The 9th Company - 9ja Rota" and "Afghan Breakdown".
Thank you!!! :grin:

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 06.12.2006 21:36

Dj_stecca писал(а):Anyway too young to "live in a war"!!! I don't know if movie respect the reality, but in 1989 or 1990 in Italy there was a movie called "Afghan Breakdown" with Michele Placido. Well, I think that the guy from Red Army (VDV troopers) was about 17/18 years old...but surely I'm in wrong!!!
Hopser, my Bro, I think that a guy of 20 years old about must have fun, girl, party, travel and not fighting for the "black gold"...maybe these was the reason for Afghanistan invasion (like USA today!!!)......

"Afghan Breakdown" - the best film about Afghan war! ;)

P.S. Red Army was since 1917 till 1946 years. Untill 1991(1993) it have called "Soviet Army"

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 21:30

Anyway too young to "live in a war"!!! I don't know if movie respect the reality, but in 1989 or 1990 in Italy there was a movie called "Afghan Breakdown" with Michele Placido. Well, I think that the guy from Red Army (VDV troopers) was about 17/18 years old...but surely I'm in wrong!!!
Hopser, my Bro, I think that a guy of 20 years old about must have fun, girl, party, travel and not fighting for the "black gold"...maybe these was the reason for Afghanistan invasion (like USA today!!!)......

Сообщение Hopser » 06.12.2006 20:45

Particular, in the end of the war (about 1988-1989) a lot of Guys die!!!

No, the highest losses were in 84-85. And no matter, how experienced you are, you have no chances against bombs and shells. The average mojahed was 20 years old and lived about a year. The soviet\afghan kill ratio is 50:1. Firepower wins wars ;)

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 06.12.2006 20:19

Hopser писал(а):Another Osprey's bug... :(

Thug [USMC]
Sorry, I`ve been wrong

(I think that they was about 16-17 years old!!!)

Soldiers of regular service are older 18 years

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 20:19

Anyway, I've visit all link that you all post for me and I've see a lot of very very very young soldiers (I think that they was about 16-17 years old!!!). Particular, in the end of the war (about 1988-1989) a lot of Guys die!!! This Guys versus Afghan expert rebels...mah!!!
So, Bros, thank you very much again for your help!!!

Сообщение Hopser » 06.12.2006 20:04

Another Osprey's bug... :(

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 06.12.2006 19:58

Sorry for off-topic, but LIS, where did you find marines in LIGHT-BLUE tel'nyashka?


Сообщение Thug » 06.12.2006 19:32

Sorry for off-topic, but LIS, where did you find marines in LIGHT-BLUE tel'nyashka? AFAIK it is with dark stripes. But I may be wrong - so older ones will correct me.

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 06.12.2006 18:42

Not at all ;)
Thug [USMC] right ansvered your question about tel`nyashka, but he forgot about marines.

P.S. http://sovietairborne.com - English site about Soviet Airborne (VDV)

Сообщение Thug » 06.12.2006 18:27

Well, not all soldiers wore this piece of equipment. It is a part of VDV (airborne) troops uniform. And they always were (and are ;)) quite proud about there unusual clothing :)

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 17:47

LIS[ORCS] писал(а):Dj_stecca
Few e-books about Afghan war with pictures and photos. Some things in them are not right, but...

In English:




In Russian:
[url]ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/rau/all/e-books/Афганистан. Война разведчиков.pdf[/url]

Thank you very very very much my Bro!!! Great link for our great reenact!!!
Can you tell me why all Soviet Soldiers use the not-camouflage Telnijaska??? It is white/blue stripes...I've never understand!!! Maybe was better black/O.D. stripes...

Сообщение LIS[ORCS] » 06.12.2006 16:27

Few e-books about Afghan war with pictures and photos. Some things in them are not right, but...

In English:




In Russian:
[url]ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/rau/all/e-books/Афганистан. Война разведчиков.pdf[/url]

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 12:26

OMG my Bro, it's an encyclopedic!!!! Just a question please: where I can find about eight or ten "desert tan soviet DBU" in surplus condition or very expansive price???

Thank you very very very much my Bro!!!

Сообщение Gomezz » 06.12.2006 11:56

Need help!!!

Сообщение Dj_stecca » 06.12.2006 00:39

Hi Bros, I don't know if this is the right section (I've read 1979-1989)....but I need to find info about Afghanistan invasion by Soviet Troopers. I need to find pics, dvd movie title, links, maps, equipment, barracs....all about Soviet Troopers.....them BDU, insigna, assault rifle, mountain emplacement structures, combat history etc. etc. 'cause, here in Italy, we want to organize a great 24h no-stop friendly contest to reenact 1980's Soviet Troopers Versus Afghanistan Rebels and U.S.A. C.i.a. Speci.Ops. ....so I need to write the introduction storyboard!!!
Thank you very much!!!

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