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Сообщение » 22.10.2004 22:53

Greets everybody! I am Chef, many of you may know me from the Red Alliance forums, as the friendly forum Moderator:) I was hoping someone here would be able to assist me with abit of an adventerous endeavor...

I am fleeing the nest, and looking to do more travel, around the world! As you can imagine this takes a great deal of time, research and assistance.

Currently I am looking for citizens of a southern area of Russia to act as a sort of 'embassador'. I need someone that can keep an ear on the ground. Look out for work/housing opportunities, collect information on local policies regarding immigration/work permits and regulations. Please keep in mind - I speak very little of either German or Russian - my German better than Russian.

I am a hard worker, capable of any form of labour or teaching english. I also have lots of experience working with the public, but being in a country where english is not in majority I doubt that would do much good.
It would be wonderfull if I were able to arrange some sort of billet, or room and board style housing.

Much thanks comrades, and here's to adventure!
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Зарегистрирован: 26.11.2001
Откуда: Moscow
Сообщение ArtofPain[WoodCats] » 23.10.2004 02:24

Hi there buddy! Nice to see you here!
Maerzkater auf den Fruehlingswiesen der Koelner Waldparks fliegen ueber dem sich frisch entfalteten Edelweiss {"Мартовские коты на весенних лужайках лесистых парков Кельна", пролетающие над только что распустившимся Эдельвейсом"}
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Команда: Де Франс
В игре: с 2000 года.....
Сообщение pavel » 29.10.2004 13:10

Nice to see meet you!

what do you want to know about south of Russua?
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