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31.08.2006 02:58
Форум: For association in English
Тема: спецназа ВМФ?
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 7335

Re: спецназа ВМФ?

I would die (or kill) for haggis :sad: S. I will bring you haggis - ask me whatever you want :grin:. S. БТР-80 ;) Информации море. Помочь можем. отвечать будет удобнее на русском. Конкретные вопросы - в личку. Отвечу на любой (за исключением информации содержащей секретные сведения) :grin: wow! я х...
30.08.2006 21:37
Форум: For association in English
Тема: спецназа ВМФ?
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 7335

Call me Scotch :cool:... Dum spiro spero (Latin "While I breathe, I hope") - we'll make a change - vodka on whisky :lol: . C. Scotch! I will come with whiskey! prepare the Vodka!!!! tapadh leibh! (scottish "Спасибо!") ;) Cannot find any information on uniforms in these links? an...
30.08.2006 20:09
Форум: For association in English
Тема: спецназа ВМФ?
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 7335

scotch whisky!!! sorry! I was answering your post and accidently deleted it!!!! :smile: could you repeat it? sorry!!! I will pay you in real scotch whiskey at season close game, and you can shoot me for losing post!!! :oops:
30.08.2006 17:28
Форум: For association in English
Тема: спецназа ВМФ?
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 7335

спецназа ВМФ?

я ищу эту информацию о спецназа ВМФ! кто-то может помочь мне пожалуйста? фоти, история, форма, значок, оборудование, оружие? спасибо! Can anyone give me some information about the Navy Spetsnaz units? photos? Unit names? (and locations if not state secret!) uniforms? Insignia? equipement? weapons? H...
24.08.2006 09:54
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Help with Tent!
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 8814

No, It is old, Soviet tent, not so square.
23.08.2006 03:35
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Help with Tent!
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 8814

Russian blinis and mapel syrup! best thing ever!..... anyway, who is gonna help my comrade build his tent?
21.08.2006 17:30
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Help with Tent!
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 8814

Get back to licking your Mapel trees Mr Canada! or I'll tell the Russians your little 'lumberjack' secrets :jok:
21.08.2006 04:29
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Help with Tent!
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 8814

Help with Tent!

Can someone help us? Red Alliance comrades have Tents, but how to build them? photos? instructions?

как? кто то может помочь? спасибо!


10.08.2006 14:19
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Too good to be true? (VFC PKM, Bizon2, SVD, etc)
Ответы: 10
Просмотры: 14232

A couple of our guys have got VSS projects going, they will be upset if one appears on the market before they finnish them!
09.08.2006 19:59
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Too good to be true? (VFC PKM, Bizon2, SVD, etc)
Ответы: 10
Просмотры: 14232

:alc: great news!!!! at last! and the Bizon-2 is a beautiful gun too!!! I'd actually get that one before I got a PKM...
08.08.2006 02:44
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Red-Alliance refugee camp!
Ответы: 49
Просмотры: 28190

Red-Alliance is back!!!!! but don't forget this your mother forum! visit here more often! :wink:
08.08.2006 02:41
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Pictures from last game in Belgium (Warning: Big pictures)
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 9764

YAY! beautiful Russians and crazy Brits..perfect combination! fantastic photos guys, awesome weapons!!!!!!! love you all!
07.08.2006 09:32
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Red-Alliance refugee camp!
Ответы: 49
Просмотры: 28190

A result!! excellent! :smile:
07.08.2006 02:15
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Red-Alliance refugee camp!
Ответы: 49
Просмотры: 28190

hey guys! check out this really cool Bizon conversion:

sweet huh!
07.08.2006 01:58
Форум: Кастом
Тема: переделка из АК-b в модель "Бизон"
Ответы: 28
Просмотры: 34209

el Coyote писал(а):Классно! :app:

X2 :mol:
04.08.2006 09:29
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Hello from Switzerland
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 8342

welcome Daniel
03.08.2006 03:43
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Temp Arms deals!
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 6958

Temp Arms deals!

This thread is for sales and trades while Red-Alliance forum is offline. I will move it into RA when we are back up and running. RULES *Please ask questions/make offers etc via Private message not in this thread or it will get too long too fast. *precede your requests with WTS (want to sell) WTB (wa...
03.08.2006 00:54
Форум: For association in English
Тема: VDV DAY!
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 6226

yepp...I'm still laughing at that! :smile:
02.08.2006 18:40
Форум: For association in English
Тема: VDV DAY!
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 6226

FNL писал(а):Shit allready a year gone since the last one? Jeeeek I have to get Vodka ;)

:shock: You don't have a backup supply?
02.08.2006 18:01
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Red-Alliance refugee camp!
Ответы: 49
Просмотры: 28190

So who knows where I can get a rastr uniform. And who uses this particular pattern? I think it is an MVD pattern but I am still unsure. Chalcus. Picture please! I could ask some people if I had a apicture. http://www.kamouflage.net/camouflage/en_00114.php And where to get one? no idea, maybe some k...
02.08.2006 10:09
Форум: For association in English
Тема: VDV DAY!
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 6226


02.08.2006 10:06
Форум: Полный ОФФ
Тема: С праздником ВДВ!
Ответы: 33
Просмотры: 9294

поздравляю всех ГОЛУБЫХ БЕРЕТОВ с праздником!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/NapalmNymph/man.gif C ДНЕМ ВДВ !!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/NapalmNymph/man.gif УРАААААА!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/NapalmNymph/ban_vdv.gif :wink:
01.08.2006 09:38
Форум: For association in English
Тема: another refugee
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 6325

welcome willie_pete, good to see you found us here! No news from RA, sorry, we wait for jag to return home from his vacation. Some of us meet on MSN, some IRC.
01.08.2006 09:33
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Red-Alliance refugee camp!
Ответы: 49
Просмотры: 28190

You can make a thread and list what you want to sell here, and I can keep it tidy, all sales done through PM, to keep size of thread sensible and readable, and seller adds SOLD next to each item as it goes. and I move everything over to RA when we get back online??

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