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Результатов поиска: 249


14.05.2004 09:41
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Nice greetings from Austria
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 13371

Hello Austria :) i'm not Russian, but it seems to me that they are all sleeping, (or lost in the big forrest) so i will say hello to you...[/i]
12.05.2004 17:08
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

On our site he's called Kanisterkopf....... :? But it is a pity he didnt make it to Moscow, i saw the photos, i think he missed out on a great time....
12.05.2004 14:42
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

He was supposed to come to our site also, before he went to Russia, but didn't come... strange...
12.05.2004 14:21
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Did neckoil ever make it to Russia games then?? and Gmac, i only went to Australia to play with the deadly and aggressive wildlife, makes a change from playing with the deadly and agressive teams MIA and Mr Men , hehehehehe and for info when i go to Russia, my blood group is vodka and i eat anything...
04.05.2004 02:30
Форум: For association in English
Тема: News from Cornwall
Ответы: 20
Просмотры: 13023

Napalms back in Cornwall..... decided Australia wasnt very good for strikeball.... too many nasty ants and insects attacking you all the time.....
24.03.2004 18:15
Форум: For association in English
Тема: News from Cornwall
Ответы: 20
Просмотры: 13023

Mr Mckurkin.. I am nearer the Moscow strikeball land than you are, and i'm in the UK !!!!!! :lol:
21.03.2004 04:19
Форум: For association in English
Тема: News from Cornwall
Ответы: 20
Просмотры: 13023

Any chance of some of you guys coming to visit us???
21.03.2004 04:17
Форум: For association in English
Тема: News from Cornwall
Ответы: 20
Просмотры: 13023

Little sister watching you too pussycat :wink: Game today was brilliant.. weather was typical of the North cornish coast, fog, rain and strong wind, but in the forrest was wet but fine.. gameplay today was organised by Team Mr Men, who share the site with team MIA. They went into the woods, and we h...
20.03.2004 10:21
Форум: For association in English
Тема: News from Cornwall
Ответы: 20
Просмотры: 13023

News from Cornwall

Hiya Guys, thought i'd add my own thread in here so we can post all the news from our little bit of the world....
We have a game today, so watch this space and our forum for news...
19.03.2004 10:49
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

yes, they do, but i hope they dont have a long memory, or next year i'll need to hide well from the pussycats :wink:
18.03.2004 17:06
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Re: re-establishing contact?

What the.... писал(а):Well this is what happens to your threads if you don't stay in touch


Sorry Neckoil, I thought you had left this thread to die, this will be second thread iv'e been evicted from this week ....I must stop hijacking... :(
18.03.2004 16:24
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

You either carry a lot of arms, or i need to upgrade my torture techniques to get your comrades to keep me better informed.... :twisted:
18.03.2004 15:55
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Commander Gmac... This is agent Nymph reporting.... I have located targets...Woodcats branch 4 assault stormtroopers....... ahhhhh.. little flecktarn coloured pussy cats playing in the woods..... easy targets... I will be returning to base tonight with captured arms, Tanaka 700, G3 sniper rifles, Be...
18.03.2004 14:14
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Fil писал(а):Practice makes perfect! :D
Your Russian is terrible........ :D

я знаю :cry:
18.03.2004 01:04
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Ага... Ты можешь говорить по-русски на нашем форуме, в Напалмовом Русском лагере, но я говорю по-русски очееееень плохо, ты видишь...
18.03.2004 00:31
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Yes, I am. :P It's not big deal for ex-KGB agent! :lol: And what about your tour to our Season Openning?[/quote] ex-KGB!!!! woooooo... i find some interesting people to pick fights with :shock: Tour of Russia is next year. I have found other UK airsofters who are interested in coming with me, so i h...
17.03.2004 20:16
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

(If I'll get to UK again, I'll make the trip to Cornwall to dream about airsoft MiGs :roll:)

You're always welcome to visit Cornwall, beautiful land of wild seas and king Arthur... we all dream here.....

Omsk...are you spying on me now :wink:
17.03.2004 19:42
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

You know you can get mini Airsoft Tanks, it would be really good if they decided to make Airsoft Aircraft....... little Apache's and Migs.... would be lot of money though.......

And my dreams are ALWAYS sweet :wink:
17.03.2004 15:51
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Ahhhhh, how cute, a little T-90..... :lol:

I will load the Hellfire missiles on my Apache,but not today, today is st.Patricks day, i will be too drunk to fly....
17.03.2004 14:50
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Awwwww, i'm sorry, come out from behind the wall, flecktarn looks bad with stone.....run back into the woods quick........ :wink:
17.03.2004 10:26
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Your hands to short (HA-HA-HA-HA :P ) And your FPS limit make your task neerly impossible :lol:[/quote] ok, i will use my teeth then :twisted: " light the fire commander, we have a woodcat sniper for dinner today" :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
17.03.2004 00:47
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

Waahahahahaha.... Dusty has surrendered :lol: now we torture him for information and then return to capture the guns, BB's and vodka supplies of the woodcats...... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
16.03.2004 10:25
Форум: For association in English
Тема: hello to russian airsofters!
Ответы: 113
Просмотры: 56743

ArtofPain[WoodCats] писал(а):
Anonymous писал(а):[quote="{MIA}

u can keep this "hostage", but not for a long time (as it's seems to me :wink: )
And keep your hands out of our CHOPPER! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :lol:

oooohhhhh commander Gmac, they're letting me keep Dusty...this is too easy, i'm going back in for a few more...... :twisted:

and ArtofPain: your chopper will be very safe in my hands, i promise you..... :lol:
03.03.2004 16:31
Форум: For association in English
Тема: Escapee
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 11644

[quote="Anonymous"] In or last game I had 3 Party Balloons blown up with some Talc powder inside which marked each area to defend, they had to be burst with BB fire to capture the point. One easly seen but the other two harder to get a direct shot on. PARTY BALLOONS... i was very close to ...

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