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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 31.10.2005 02:33

A friend of mine wants to learn some Russian drinking songs? any words? music? any on the internet?

and do you play drinking games? (or is that just a British thing? :alc:
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Сообщение Vader--- » 31.10.2005 09:53

Drinking games?
What is it?

There is lots of songs we singing.
But I can assure famous "Kalinka" never perfomes.
It could be something from russian rock, may be punk.
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Сообщение Ugly[GB] » 31.10.2005 11:10


there is a lot...

for example


"The Bear is Here" [Medvyed prishol]

Meaning - to get more people drunk with less expenses

all players stand at the table, and at the same time drink a 100 cl of Vodka (may vary about volume) then goes the comand - "The Bear is Here" [Medvyed prishol]
on this, everybody must hide under the table and stay there about a 30 sec until the command "The Bear is Gone" [Medvyed Ushel] then they all get out... Well this goes on and on and on until the Last Man standing - a winner

I can't say it's a very positive game at the End... but in the beginning and in the prosess it's quite fun


Most popular is "Black Raven" [Cherny Voron] (NOT The pops band "Hi-Fi" edition!!! :evil: ) it's a song about the soldier who dying in the field of battle and send a last message with a raven, who wants to feed on his body, to his mother and his beloved wife

u can dounload, the right one, here... ... aa0/Chorny - well this edition sucks too (neofolk) but it's the only I can get for now... I'll look for a right one later (one performed by a monk chorus - thats really kick's ass for a tears)

another is about the tank crew... well they died to... :) i'll look for it it in Internet later cause my present dial-up sucks
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Ilya S.
Ilya S.

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Сообщение Ilya S. » 31.10.2005 11:54

Ugly[GB] писал(а):another is about the tank crew... well they died to... :) i'll look for it it in Internet later cause my present dial-up sucks

My favourite song...
Несмотря на то, что я гениален и идеален, самокритика - тоже моя сильная сторона.
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Сообщение Marik » 31.10.2005 17:57

Ugly[GB] писал(а):Most popular is "Black Raven" [Cherny Voron] (NOT The pops band "Hi-Fi" edition!!! :evil: ) it's a song about the soldier who dying in the field of battle and send a last message with a raven, who wants to feed on his body, to his mother and his beloved wife

Here is nice RAMM-style version of this song:
There are many other nice russian songs in modern variants :)
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Сообщение .Hitman » 31.10.2005 19:13

Boris Grebenshikov version:
Those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life.
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 31.10.2005 19:54

Excellent!! спасибо!!! Изображение

where can I find the words to these songs? if i attempt to write it up I'll do it wrong! :oops: the Boris Grebenshikov is so sad, what a beautiful song!

Iv'e found some really good music from your Russia, Iv'e had these 2 songs on really loud in my car today!


If anyone has anymore like this, please please post links, I want to get all the Red Alliance guys singing these songs when we come to Moscow next year! :alc:
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Сообщение Vader--- » 01.11.2005 01:29

I'd like to try play this game......

tell us please about your drink games
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Команда: [url=]Имперская пехота[/url]
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Сообщение Digger » 01.11.2005 02:15

I know about "Last Hero " or "White brown bear" game
More brutal like a "The Bear is Here". Usually plays in universitys hostel .
We played it so . takes a big glass full of champagne. One student drink from glass some Champagne , and also adds there as much cognac , The glass is transferred on a circle and everyone makes this operation . when the liquid in the glass takes Brown color sayd "Brown bear Come" :smile: ( Buryi medved'" , and all begins on the contrary, the part of cognac now is taken a sip and the champagne is added . Very few people survival to the moment when White bear =)) ( Belyi Medvyed)

Lube " Vyidu noch'u v pole s konem "
I'll go to the field with horse at night.
Very good song
Выйду ночью в поле с конем
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Откуда: туманный альбион
Сообщение NapalmNymph » 01.11.2005 02:25

Many of our games we use playing cards.

If you get a certain card, such as King, you drink some beer, Queen you drink whiskey, jack you drink Gin, Ace you drink Vodka, and the number cards, 2 you sing a song, 3 you kiss the person next to you, 4 you put hands on head and turn around fast 10 times etc etc, no one wins, just everyone gets very drunk and fall over :lol:

Everyone puts glass of beer on a table, and music play, everyone get away from table and dance, when music stop, all run to table sit on chair and drink some of the beer infront of you, when music begins you jump up and dance again..each time, 1 chair is removed, so each time 1 person leaves game.

And board games, checkers and monoploy (do you have?) we change rules and include much drinking.

Fill 2 large containers with beer..... get all people into 2 teams. stand in 2 lines. 1st people in line have fruit in their mouth, they have to pass friut from one mouth to next mouth (no hands) when fruit is in mouth of last person in the line, they run to beer, fill cup with beer and drink it. then go to end of line, each person does this, first team to empty beer win game.

Oh and this!!! :razz: you have many people, they sit in a circle .....1 person stands in centre of circle with eyes covered with scarf so they see nothing. all other people are given a card with a number on it. the person with eyes covered calls number, and the person with that number has to kiss the person with eyes covered, (real good kiss!!!) and the blind person must guess who it is kissing them, if they get it correct, they get drink, if they get answer wrong, they have to have to keep kissing until they guess correctly..... this is very funny when 2 men or 2 women!!! :lol:

Many more almost same.... we have many outside partys, big fire, many people, play many funny games. sometimes walk on fire with no shoes on, sometimes attach surfboard to motorbike and drive it, people who stand for long time without falling, get prize :lol:

Bycycle jousting!! 2 bycycles, 2 long handle brush, 2 drunk idiots.... they hold brush, ride bycycle, and try to push the other person off their bike.

Hey, come to moscow next May, and we can play some games ;)
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Сообщение kolokolchik[GB] » 01.11.2005 03:11

Change your signature ;)
"Русские не сдаются!" (с) -that's the rigt version.

About games-another one is "climbing the stairs"

On every step of the staircase put a very small glass of vodka(about 1-2oz.).
the person who going up with every step must pick up and drink every glass :twisted:
hold him when he fall :alc:

Alkoholic checkers -instead of figures take glasses with differen coloured drinks. when you eat a figure, you drink the glass. The better you play-the drunker you are, and opponent have more chanses to win
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 01.11.2005 04:46

:lol: Good game!

(signature fixed, I'll go off the internet and go read my Russian grammar book again :wink:
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Сообщение Leon_85 » 04.11.2005 02:38

Here there are some games, but everything is on russian.
Абсолютная свобода - это когда на всех перекрестках во все стороны горит зеленый свет.
Только массовые расстрелы спасут Родину.
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 04.11.2005 10:46


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Сообщение Beaver » 12.11.2005 08:50

To add to the drunken's the one we, as paras, enjoy.

A game that I have seen changed under different names and rules, but we always called it "The Circle of Death". More entertaining when everyone is drinking something different. Take a deck of cards, remove all but the Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks, Tens, and Nines. Place large glass or pitcher in the center of the table and then shuffle and fan out the cards around the container. Play goes as such, with each player drawing a card on their turn.
Nine: player who draws begins with a word to rhyme, whoever stops the rhymes takes a drink. (IE) player 1-Bat, player 2-Fat, player 3-Cat, player 4-dog---drink.
Ten: catagory,same as above. (IE) player 1 alcohol-beer, player 2-vodka, player 3-coke----drink.
Jack: player to the right of the one who drew the card has to start and stop drinking on order of the one who drew the card. (IE) GO.............10-30 seconds later, STOP
Queen: same as above, yet person on the left.
King: social drink, everyone takes a drink
Ace: the first three that are drawn add however much of their drink to the middle container and the forth Ace drawn is the loser and has to drink the middle container.

There are more games in my warped little mind, but I need alot of typing time.
Let The Wolves Eat...

One need not destroy one's enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage.
--Sun Tzu
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 12.11.2005 10:58

Great thanks! ;) (glad to see you joined this forum, I'm sure the guys here will help you!)
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GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]

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Сообщение GhostBuddy [WoodCats] » 18.11.2005 16:58

Concerning alcosongs several of them could be found here - by nice band :)
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 18.11.2005 19:56

Great!! I love the 'back in the USSR' song ;)

I'm currently looking for all music by Любэ and Банда Москвы, I have some of their songs but I want more, so if you know anywhere I can download them???

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Сообщение Leon_85 » 18.11.2005 22:43

Not all, but something
Абсолютная свобода - это когда на всех перекрестках во все стороны горит зеленый свет.
Только массовые расстрелы спасут Родину.
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GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]

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Сообщение GhostBuddy [WoodCats] » 21.11.2005 14:49

I'm not appriciated them too much, but texts, mp3 and so on could be found also here :

and here

and here
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GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]

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Сообщение GhostBuddy [WoodCats] » 25.11.2005 13:11 ... 18713.html -black raven by Kukuruza band. Must have! :smile:
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 25.11.2005 17:50

спасибо! I like this, it is similar to our celtic folk music.
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GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]

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Сообщение GhostBuddy [WoodCats] » 12.12.2005 15:53

It's more "blue-grass" country style than celtic, as far as music styles are concerned. (Frankly speaking the way how this song performed could be directly compared with "Child in time" by Deep Purple :) )
As far as celtic and anglo-saxon tradition by russian performers is concerned - ... be_silver/

also such projects as Clann Lir and Belfast. (About the last band someone from this forum could tell much more better than me. :smile:)
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Сообщение NapalmNymph » 13.12.2005 16:09

That's interesting.. good to know our Celtic music is in Russia too. Here we have pubs (bars) where people meet at weekends and take a music instrument with them and all sit and sing old celtic songs together, good tradition!

Thank you GhostBuddy!! and thanks for the music links on Hiros post too, I love I.F.K!! I'm slowly getting a good Russian music collection, but It's difficult for us to find it over here, (right now I'm trading tattoo journals for Sektor gaza albums with a friend In Omsk!! :razz:
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GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]

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Сообщение GhostBuddy [WoodCats] » 13.12.2005 16:49

You're welcome! :smile:
If You could tell me more precise what kind of music You're interesting in, maybe I'll be able to help further. :smile:

By the way, concerinng Sector Gaza ( - mp3 download) - there are some music clips made by OMON in Chechnya whith the music of this band. Particularly "Demobilizatsiya" and "1999". Quite interesting, I would say. :smile:
But frankly speaking I'm not fanatic of punk rock, except one band - The Pogues.
Crazy beer'n'whskey Irish music... :)
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