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Special Forces

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Зарегистрирован: 18.04.2006
Откуда: Москва
Сообщение McKnight » 04.05.2010 23:47

Структура Сил Специального Назначения Армии США (не получилось отформатировать под BBCode, поэтому ссылка на гугль-документ).


Личный состав ODA:

Detachment Commander (18A)
The Commander is the team leader and is responsible for outfitting his ODA, organizing missions and briefing the unit on mission objectives.

Assistant Detachment Commander (180A)
(Warrant Officer 1 or Chief Warrant Officer 2)
The Assistant Detachment Commander assists the ODA's Commander, ready to take over command if needed. If the ODA splits into two teams, as happened in Gulf War I, then the 180A commands the second team.

Operations Sergeant (18Z)
(Master Sergeant)
The Operations Sergeant is responsible for the overall organization, functionality and training of an SF team. He makes sure the team is outfitted correctly and supports the ODA commander (18A).

Assistant Operations and Intelligence Sergeant (18F)
(Sergeant First Class)
This team member ensures that the team has all the equipment and supplies needed for the mission. He also gathers and analyzes mission-critical intelligence.

2 x Weapons Sergeants (18B)
(Sergeant First Class / Sergeant)
Weapons Sergeants are experts in a wide range of U.S. and foreign weapons systems, from pistols and to light artillery and anti-aircraft guns/

2 x Communications Sergeants (18E)
(Sergeant First Class / Sergeant)
SF Communications Sergeants are proficient in the gamut of radio communications equipment and techniques used in the field, everything from morse code to encrypted satellite transmissions and IT technology.

2 x Medical Sergeants (18D)
(Sergeant First Class / Sergeant)
Special Forces Medics are first-class battlefield trauma medical technicians as well as being proficient in more general medical care. The ability of SF medics to treat the medical problems of local populations is a valuable component of counter insurgency 'hearts and minds' operations.

2 x Engineering Sergeants (18C)
(Sergeant First Class / Sergeant)
The Engineering Sergeants are the guys you go to when you want something built or destroyed. They are experts in explosive demolitions and can blow bridges, buildings and other structures to kingdom come. SF Engineers are also proficient in military and civil construction and can carry out a range of projects from fortifications to civil engineering tasks such as digging wells or building a schoolhouse.

Личный состав ODB:

Special Forces Company Commander (CO)
The Company commander is in command of all elements assigned or attached to the Special Forces company.

Executive Officer
2nd in Command amd director company staff.

Company Technician (18Z)
(W0-1 and up, Warrant Officer)
Responsible for the organization, training, intelligence and counterintelligence (CI) activities, and combat operations of the Special Forces company

Company Seargeant Major(18Z)
(E-9, Sergeant Major)
supervises the daily training, operations, and administration of the company.

Special Forces Operations Sergeant (18Z)
(E-8, Master Sergeant)
Assists the XO and Company Technician.

Assitant Operations Sergeant (18F)
(E-7, Sergeant First Class)
Assists the Operations Sergeant

Special Forces Medical Sergeants (18D)
(Sergeant First Class)
Provides medical care at the company level. Also provided medical training to the company.

2 x Special Forces Communications Sergeants (18E)
(Sergeant First Class / Staff Sergeant)
Signals experts, Communications Sergeant and a Asst. Communications Sergeant, who instal maintain and operate the company's radio and other communications equipment.

Supply Sergeants
(E-6, Staff Sergeant)
Handles the logistics for the company and all its detachements

(E-5, Sergeant)
Ensures the company can detect and defend against Nuclear, Chemical and Biological (NBC) attacks.
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