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Greetings from France

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.04.2004 17:54
Hello all,

Happy to see airsoft growing in Russia, a land I love. Hope to meet you one day, I play airsoft for 10 years and used to play with people from other coutries (Belgium, England, Switzerland, Germany).

Vive l'airsoft !

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.04.2004 19:02
Вonjour a vous et bienvenue =) Enfin on a un Francais sur notre forum =) En fait le airsoft en Russie compte aussi deja environ une disaine d'annees, alors on n'est pas tout a fait des petits nouveaux. L'annee derniere ca m'est arrive de faire du airsoft sur Nice, et vous, vous etes d'ou en France?

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.04.2004 19:46
Merci Seregil.
J'aimerai savoir parler Russe comme tu parle francais ;)

I live near Reims, a city called Chalons en Champagne (yes, the vine 8) ). Airsoft is growing too in France, seriously since early 90's (I play since 1994), so I wouldn't tell russian airsofters they are noobs.

I saw some pics of game on internet russian links, the german camo flecktarn seems to be used a lot. What kind of BDU/camo/army gear is mainly used in Russia for airsoft game ?


СообщениеДобавлено: 19.04.2004 20:10
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
Quite a number of variants :). In terms of quantity I think some russian types, us woodland and flektarn could be highlighted... French camo, by the way, too. Team called "Blue Oyster".

СообщениеДобавлено: 02.06.2004 14:03
Another greeting from Paris, France, to all airsofters in Russia... I am very glad to see (by the web sites and the pictures - unfortunatly I have some difficulties to read Russian :P) the interest of airsoft in your country.

I'm surfing all these airsofts websites around the world, and sometime dreaming of of a really international big game of airsoft. All united around a game. That should be interesting and fun...

My best regards to you all airsofters !!!

Airsoftement votre !

СообщениеДобавлено: 02.06.2004 22:51

There was a international game in Cracow 17-18 of april. It was very fun. There were teams from: Russia, Belorus, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden and one man from Denmark. Total about 200. It was 1st international rally and it was very coooool :) Next one will be next spring, I think.
Some photos you could see here: http://bz.riz.pl/asg/krakow200404/

Interesting, how much airsoft teams, players in France?
Is there some teams who reacts russian forces?

СообщениеДобавлено: 03.06.2004 00:25
This year july 17-18 in Minsk will be First International Minsk Airsoft Rally, dedicated to 60-th anniversary of Belarus liberation.
“Minsk boiling-pot” Operation.
More informafion you can get here
http://strikeball.org.by/slet_eng.html or ask by ICQ 15036280, or by e-mail: ignemov@mail.ru
We wait for you on our Rally!

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.06.2004 01:35
Dear all,

Thank you for your answers !...

@ Vader... I'm happy to see organized some international games. My team and I will join the event organized by the Fireball Squadron in England, this summer (end of August)... I hope there will be a lot of differents nationalities too. I saw the picture of your event, it seemed very fun too... I will try to keep informed of the events in your country and hope to be able to play one day with (our against :) ) you.

How many airsoft players ? how many teams in France ? I cannot honestly answer to this questions. We do not have a national federation (or a governing body as our english friends) but I can say, by the increase of sells of AEG, GBB, that airsoft is becoming more and more popular...

We are a 10 member Team. So we are a small one :)...

Are they teams react russian forces... I never saw a team playing completly russian. More often it is individuals dressed as russian forces. It's also sometimes difficult to find all russian equipement here.

For my part, I tend to wear american / french outfits, but I'm not very precise for my battledresses. I spend more money in my AEGs, to equip myself and my son...

@Nemoff, thanks for the invitation... :wink: It would have been a pleasure to join the game, but unfortunatly I'm working in July and it will be impossible to organize a trip to Minsk... An other time maybe !...

My turn for some questions :P...

Where do you buy your AEGs ? Internet ? Or do you have good local shops ? Is it very expensive in Russia ? (In France, for exemple, prices tends to be 1.5 to 2 times higher than in Hong Kong...)

And is there an russian online shop for military dressings, insigns, that would accept international orders and shipping to foreign countries ?

Thanks for your kind answer and keep the BB's flying !

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.06.2004 01:38
Sorry, I was not logged when I posted the message over there...

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.06.2004 18:53
Common on dit, j`suis tres eureux d`avoir la possibilite parler francais avec vous. J`ai habite en France, a Paris. pendant 3 ans, et en Tunisie pendant encore 2 ans. Merde, j`ai tout oublier, donc ce tres lourd a parler francais en Russie.

Vive la France, Vive La Liberte.

Salut a Tous

СообщениеДобавлено: 12.06.2004 01:29
bonjour france... UK are here in Russia too :D
International game would be great, Some of my team are going to Moscow for next years season opening game, try and get your team there too... and Russian online shop, yes, i play as Russian soldier and get my kit from here....
hope you have good time with Fireball Squadron in UK, :wink:

СообщениеДобавлено: 20.07.2004 00:40
ToPePo писал(а):Merde, j`ai tout oublier

:lol: non, non, tu n'as pas tout oublié ! :lol: je dirais même que cela revient vite !...

@NapalmNymph :

Yes, playing the season opening game is very tempting. It's an idea we definitly must see with my team.

Thxs for the adress.
and we will try to have a lot of fun in UK with Fireball Squadron...

Hope to see you all one day in a good game !