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News from Cornwall

СообщениеДобавлено: 20.03.2004 10:21
Hiya Guys, thought i'd add my own thread in here so we can post all the news from our little bit of the world....
We have a game today, so watch this space and our forum for news...

СообщениеДобавлено: 20.03.2004 22:32
Go ahead! Big Brother watch yor back!

СообщениеДобавлено: 21.03.2004 04:17
Little sister watching you too pussycat :wink:

Game today was brilliant.. weather was typical of the North cornish coast, fog, rain and strong wind, but in the forrest was wet but fine..
gameplay today was organised by Team Mr Men, who share the site with team MIA. They went into the woods, and we had to hunt them down and kill them. game lasted quite a long time, with many casualties on our side, but we eventually cornered them and shot them all... :)
After lunch, we did some CQB, taking it in turns to defend/attack one of the buildings called the pump house. Then walked back to base, for more CQB at the barn complex.. resulting in a 3-2 win to Team Mr Men.
A brilliant day, hopefully some photos on our forum soon. We also talked about visiting you next year, there is quite a lot of interest from the 2 teams :D .... One of the Mr Men said we should drive to moscow!!!! playing airsoft in all the different countries on the way :lol:
would take us a year to get there, especially taking guns through borders..... ok, time to get drunk..... пока :wink:

СообщениеДобавлено: 21.03.2004 04:19
Any chance of some of you guys coming to visit us???

СообщениеДобавлено: 24.03.2004 15:18
yepp!!! there is a hope!!!!! coz mr/ mckurkin is near the strikeball land:)))) ok ob!!!! 8) hello to all!!!!!

СообщениеДобавлено: 24.03.2004 18:15
Mr Mckurkin.. I am nearer the Moscow strikeball land than you are, and i'm in the UK !!!!!! :lol:

СообщениеДобавлено: 04.05.2004 02:30
Napalms back in Cornwall..... decided Australia wasnt very good for strikeball.... too many nasty ants and insects attacking you all the time.....

Place for Russian Posts

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.05.2004 09:28
We now have a section on our forum for Russian posts, but if you write in Russian, please keep words simple, as we're still just learning language :)

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.06.2004 17:21
Anyone got info on websites about Spetsnaz, kit they use, clothes they wear, cammo, weapons ect???? (Russian or english websites) And does anyone know where i can get a silencer for an AK?? and any photos of spetsnaz would be helpful too. спасибо :wink:

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.06.2004 17:44
el Coyote

СообщениеДобавлено: 09.07.2004 14:22
Battle plan for tomorrow.....My team (the Russians) will be transporting ballistic missiles into cuba, where the cubans will be detonating them, and sending them to USA. American troops must kill us all and capture missiles.
Lucky for us they are receiving their information from the C.I.A so they will probably be in the wrong woodland :lol: :lol: :lol:

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.07.2004 00:26
NapalmNymph писал(а):Anyone got info on websites about Spetsnaz

Do you mean СПЕЦНАЗ ГРУ (главное разведовательное управление - main intelligence agency).

I've found some info, but you may have already seen it.
Anyway, here's the link:

And this one is about the history of GRU Spetsnaz (акщь the same site)

If you need any help while translating it, don't hesitate to ask questions.

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.07.2004 00:31
the previous one is mine :oops:

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.07.2004 01:55
Thankyou Atom, Yes that is what i was looking for.. and welcome to MIA forum, i see you join us today :D

The Russian and USA fight today... Full write up on our forum, but in short here, """We won""" :lol: , we transported our missiles into Cuba, and detonated them. It was a long day with many fierce battles...My Kalashnikov killed the US commander :P ....... and now i am going to sleep for a very long time :P goodnight .....

СообщениеДобавлено: 14.08.2004 02:46
Photos from our last games.... woodland attack/defence game followed by hours of CQB around the buildings, 3 teams, last man standing's team wins.... but we played for so long, we forget who wins :wink:

http://www.ironfoot.co.uk/mia/newgaller ... /album.php

Game plan for end of August.. 24 hour game......I'm sorry, but no Russians in this scenario, so i have to wear Brit DPM and pretend Igor my AK is a SA80 :((((((((((( :( ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!


СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 01:15
A new team was born yesterday ....

Team Ironfoot, made from memebers of Team MIA and some new people that have played with us. Team MIA has ended, but the place we play is still called MIA.

Napalm (Team Ironfoot) :cool: sounds cool huh!!! :razz:

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 02:04
Dusty Miller
Congratulations! :)

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 02:09
I wanted to call it 'Team Dusty' but the guys wouldn't let me :sad:

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 02:13
Dusty Miller
Kate! I hope it will be the name of your next team :razz:

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 02:17
конечно..... :wink:

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.08.2004 03:28
J. Maels
Dasty, two funclubs - it very cool :lol: