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mad dogs?

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.09.2006 03:10
I am looking for information about this unit please? 74-я отдельная мотострелковая бригада.

http://www.russianpatches.com/military_ ... hp?gid=329

74th brigade were formed in 1993 in Юрге siberia. Is there any websites about this brigade?

824 of them received war medals, including 4 heros of Russia medals, any information on this?

They took Grozny in 2nd chechnya war, correct? the Chechnyans called them Mad dogs! why?

I found a website that should have information about the 74г ОМСБр, but it does not open :( http://www.guard.kemrsl.ru does anyone know if there is new address for this website?

Sorry for all questions! but I love you guys and want to know all this!!!!!!! ;)