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another refugee

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 05:27
Glad to see Napalm and the rest of the RA folks. Hello to all our Russian friends. :twisted:

Hows everything guys? Any news from RA?

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 09:38
welcome willie_pete, good to see you found us here! No news from RA, sorry, we wait for jag to return home from his vacation. Some of us meet on MSN, some IRC.

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 11:45
Hi Napalm. I missed you guys! I visited the RA channel on IRC last night and talked to some of the guys. Finarvas gave me the link. Good thing our russkie friends were kind enough to welcome us here. :cool:

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 22:07
Welcome in the temporary RA home.

Re: another refugee

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 22:43
Ilya S.
willie_pete писал(а):Hello to all our Russian friends. :twisted:

Always welcom. Glad to see you here.

Откуда: Manila

Why not Rhodesia? ;)

Re: another refugee

СообщениеДобавлено: 01.08.2006 23:52
Ilya S. писал(а):Why not Rhodesia? ;)

Cause the phillipine fighting tactics are a little more... efficent? ;)

Re: another refugee

СообщениеДобавлено: 02.08.2006 13:53
Ilya S. писал(а):Always welcom. Glad to see you here.

Cool. Thanks, man. :cool:

Ilya S. писал(а):
Откуда: Manila

Why not Rhodesia? Wink

I'm really from that little banana republic called the Philippines down in SE Asia. :lol:

I just like to read articles about the Selous Scouts and the all bush wars in Southern Africa. :cool:

FNL писал(а):Cause the phillipine fighting tactics are a little more... efficent?

Nah, I doubt it. Totally different scenarios and COIN tactics/strategy. Its been more than 20 years and we still have communist and muslim insurgencies... :lol: [/quote]

Re: another refugee

СообщениеДобавлено: 02.08.2006 17:32
willie_pete писал(а):Nah, I doubt it. Totally different scenarios and COIN tactics/strategy. Its been more than 20 years and we still have communist and muslim insurgencies... :lol:

Well especially the NPA is a political problem and as long as Gloria doesn't stop corruption they will be there and seriously... Abu Sayaf Group are more muslim Gangsters than muslim terrorists I should think