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Vodka help!

СообщениеДобавлено: 12.01.2006 15:47
What is the best brands of Russian vodka?
How should it be drunk?
What is added to Vodka? (chilli, pepper?)

And any advice on drinking it? (I know I had some lessons in Moscow, but you know, I got drunk and forgot it all!!! :alc:

Reason for asking is we are finally starting to get imported Russian vodka, so i want to check we are doing it right.. ;)

Oh and any good toasts I should learn (In Russian of course!!) yes I know about the 3rd toast)

СообщениеДобавлено: 12.01.2006 16:17
You may come to our Season Opening :) There will be pretty many different sorts of Rissian Vodka :) you will be able to taste them all :alcohol:

СообщениеДобавлено: 12.01.2006 16:22
Mate, it's hard to say which brand is the best one. My personal preference is Russian Standard (Русский Стандарт) - it should be avilable, at least I saw it in Europe quite a lot. Any old Soviet brand like Stolichnaya should also be ok. Generally speaking, as a Moscovite, I'll strongly recommend anything produced by Kristall factory in Moscow (http://www.kristall.ru).

Never, ever, ever add anything to vodka - you might find some flavoured ones with pepper or honey, however don't add anything yourself. Drink it in 50 - 100 gram shots. Don't use any chaser, maybe only pickled cucumbers or mushrooms. But again, it's a personal choice.

Have fun and good luck :lol:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 03:00
fishman писал(а):You may come to our Season Opening :) There will be pretty many different sorts of Rissian Vodka :) you will be able to taste them all :alcohol:

I did last year, and I hope I will again this year :beer:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 14:42
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
Myagkov (Мягков),Yuiry Dolgorukiy (Юрий Долгорукий), Russkiy Standart (Русский стандарт).

Add nothing.

Drink ice-cold. Have preferrably with caviar or hot meat meal.

The greatest toast is "Желаю чтобы все!" (zhelau chtoby vse!). It's impossible to translate it literally :smile:

PS/ And what do You mean by Your "where from" (Under The Spetsnaz Soldier in the back of the BTR-80!)? Quite frankly... :smile:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 15:00
GhostBuddy [WoodCats] писал(а):The greatest toast is "Желаю чтобы все!" (zhelau chtoby vse!). It's impossible to translate it literally :smile:

I'd say, "I wish you ALL" :smile:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 15:03
GhostBuddy [WoodCats]
than it must be "всЁ" :smile:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 15:11
Undoubtedly. :smile: This "all", unless I'm mistaken, can be either "everything" or "everyone". ;)
Kate, is it right?

One more favourite russian toast is "for moose". :smile: Meaningly, "за лося" (za losya). And this one is really hard to translate... :roll:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 17:19
Like said before russian brands - Stolichnaya (Crystall - factory) One and only (as for quality as for charizma)... but don't listen to Seppo about
pickled cucumbers or mushrooms
that's for Moskovites and office manager's... Elite of Russian alcoholizm lives in Siberia... so, they operate only with hot meals like soup or pelmeni (like raviolli but better) in case that u gonna drink long and productive

As for me, I prefer "Finlandia" - If somebody will say something about (I's not russian...) U can say something about (go fuck himself...) Cause Finland was once a part of Russian empire, and they know good about vodka, they also use exellent natural water, in difference with russian production who use highly filtered one, from who-knows-by-what-polluted springs... so "Finlandia" tastes softer and goes lightly with all natural born 40...

small recipy for an evening shot with a friend
1) Buy some black caviar
2) put some small glassy shots in wich u will pour vodka lately (50cl best choice) in the deep frising chamber of refrigerator until... well when u get them out they must be covered with frost and put off some cold steam
3) cool vodka (really cool)
4) make some hot white bread (not toast) it must be hot and soft put some caviar on them and u ready to go

Get those glasses out, get that vodka out, pour it in them (it even looks GOOD) make ready bread with caviar and fast let it fly... Shot - bread - and a HAPPY face... that the way it must go

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 18:06

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 19:28
Ugly[GB] писал(а):Elite of Russian alcoholizm lives in Siberia... so, they operate only with hot meals like soup or pelmeni (like raviolli but better) in case that u gonna drink long and productive

Leave his some time to practice - I bet its too early for the guy to start competing with Elite. :lol: Otherwise great advise!!! Соскучился я по пельмешкам!!!! :oops:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 20:47
Herr Melnikov
2 Seppo
NapalmNymph не guy, это она, т.е. girl

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 21:42
Упс. Тем более надо аккуратнее :oops:

СообщениеДобавлено: 13.01.2006 22:33
PS/ And what do You mean by Your "where from" (Under The Spetsnaz Soldier in the back of the BTR-80!)? Quite frankly...

NapalmNymph не guy, это она, т.е. girl

That's the answer :shock:

По теме. Еще неплохо завернуть в гречишный блин черной икры и съесть это дело со сметаной под водочку...
В общем go for Ugly's recipe, but instead of white bread try to take buckwheat pancake, put some caviar and eat with sour cream immediatly after vodka ;)

СообщениеДобавлено: 14.01.2006 02:51

все... everyone or all, yes same meaning, good toasts.. за лося, for the Elk!

Stolichnaya and Russian standard are available here. Siberian alcohol elite!! :grin: I had a good friend from Omsk come to UK to live with me for 1 month last year, we sit by fire and eat seafood and drink Vodka, Beer and good Scotch Whiskey, he fall from his feet before me! he said evil whiskey did this :lol:

Ice glass, cold Vodka, Russian toasts, warm bread and black caviar......
Shot - bread - and a HAPPY face :lol: ok we can do this!!!

Under soldier in BTR-80!.... just keeping warm after all ice Vodka ;)

Thank you for answers! I hope I get enough practice so when I come to Moscow, I can share some toasts with you! I will bring Whiskey and my local Plymouth Gin! :beer:

СообщениеДобавлено: 14.01.2006 03:03
perhaps I'm late but i can advice "Diplomat" as good and not expensive vodka. However "Russian Standard" are much better, especially "Platinum" one.
And next morning you will be all right.

СообщениеДобавлено: 14.01.2006 04:15
Diplomat, I will search for this, thank you!!

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.02.2006 17:42
But here I prefer alcohol (спирт), separated by water. this beverage is called "Shilo (awl)". Strong, then ecologically clean product:) It is possible to add a little food soda, for the softness. The same beverage with the addition of sgushchenka (I do not know as this in English) is called "milk of grey mare (moloko sivoi kobili)". :) :alcoholic:

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.02.2006 20:36
:beer: interesting! I must try this when I come to Russia in August!

СообщениеДобавлено: 18.03.2006 12:36
I think that drinking vodka isn't important for roleplaying a russian army forces ;)
(but if u realy decided - drink 'Gjelka' ('Гжелка') or 'Flagman'('Флагман')).

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.03.2006 01:55
Флагман :grin: I was drinking this last year with friend from Omsk!

СообщениеДобавлено: 19.03.2006 12:18
Yeah, this one is good. One anothe way to drink: boiled&mixed potatos, some conservated cucombers, and of course ice cold vodka. (note when it is REALLY cold in becomes not as liquid as water, but more like orange juice)

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.04.2006 06:29
made man
I like vodka with orange (mmmm screwdriver) or cranberry juice.
But what do I know :roll: .

Where can I get that T-shirt?

СообщениеДобавлено: 27.07.2006 21:35
I see there are as much ideas about which vodka is best as there are vodka brands...
That T-shirt is cool! Who owns the rights for that Logo?
Kaviar, White Bread and frozen glasses are posible...