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Please Help us!

СообщениеДобавлено: 15.06.2005 09:53
UK Airsoft needs help....

I'm sure you all know now that our government will soon impliment a ban on sales of replica weapons, which will close our Airsoft shops and many game sites, and slowly kill Airsoft in our country!! :cry:

This is the official UK petition to send to the Government protesting It also has up to date news on our fight.

Please sign it for us and add link to your own website/game site so they can see how International this game is, and mention that we play internationally, and that the people in your country are appauled by the government preventing Great britain from taking part in this sport.

Please don't write anything stupid (like storming London with tanks ect!!, as this will cause us great problems) we need to proove to them that it is a serious sport not a childish game of soldiers!!!

I know there is already a thread on this issue, but tiome is running out and I think to have a number of international players on our petition will help us to prove our point somewhat...

Please write in English (even if it's only a few words, it will help us a lot!

Thankyou so much... спасибо.....

Link to petition is at the top. Please add this to all your forums too...

Thankyou in advance!!!

LINK TO WEBSITE: http://www.saveairsoft.org/


СообщениеДобавлено: 24.10.2005 18:43
Hi there! I would help UK airsoft, because it's really serious kind of sport.
However, both links doesn't work now. :(
Don't worry, it's all be ok.

СообщениеДобавлено: 24.10.2005 18:56
Гы, и здесь эксгуматоры. :)
2NapalmNymph: I think, many of airsoft-lovers in Russia would like to know the state of the question about airsoft in UK.

СообщениеДобавлено: 25.10.2005 03:46
The government officials who will decide this new law have recieved our petitions, and many many letters from UK and all over world (Thank you everyone who helped us from this forum) we have some UK Airsoft associations who are talking to the government all the time. We are watching everything they do and say. We are fighting hard! :twisted:

They have now added Airsoft as a sport, to be considered when making the final decision in this law. So, this is good news.

They will have a meeting today (Tuesday) and talk about Airsoft, (so I will have more news soon)

We believe they will stop us from buying Airsoft guns on the Internet. We have asked for them to allow us to buy them from registered dealers, but we wait for their answer to this. :(

СообщениеДобавлено: 25.10.2005 08:23
I hope everything will work out well for you guys. We have similar situation in Canada. Canadian government is pretty strict when it comes to replicas, we are only allowed to buy guns from dealers with proper paper work.

СообщениеДобавлено: 25.10.2005 14:36
NapalmNymph писал(а):They have now added Airsoft as a sport, to be considered when making the final decision in this law. So, this is good news.

They will have a meeting today (Tuesday) and talk about Airsoft, (so I will have more news soon)

Inform us after their meeting. We all with you and believe too.

СообщениеДобавлено: 25.10.2005 23:36
Todays government meeting:

They have said they will allow Airsofters to keep their guns if........ we paint them bright colours!!!! :shock: Изображение
(or keep them transparent, so the police can see inside them!! (we can watch the ICS gears get mashed during games!! :razz:

So..... It's saddam bling gold AK's for me then!!! Изображение

We will carry on fighting this law....... Изображение

СообщениеДобавлено: 25.10.2005 23:50
anyway... they allowed it after all... do"t give up the fight... BUT U have something at this point ... About bright colors... who cares?! make a bright cover for the cops, then take it off in the woods... I don't think a Bobby gona follow U


Wellcome to Russia... a Homeland of fuckingoodasreal AK47... U сan pepper Dusty, or any one, as much as U like

СообщениеДобавлено: 26.10.2005 00:11


СообщениеДобавлено: 26.10.2005 14:41
Ilya S.
Our security organizations have obliged to paint AK-like gun's too.
And you alwayse can paint AK in desert color. ;)

СообщениеДобавлено: 26.10.2005 16:50
NO COMPROMISE! Изображение

I don't want my beautiful Kalashnikov rifles covered in paint! :( I will bring them to Russia and play with you guys! ;)

Our government is killing UK with new laws Изображение

Do you want to trade Blair for Putin? I will pay for postage..

СообщениеДобавлено: 26.10.2005 18:24
No way! Putin is treasure. =)
I have an offer for you: move to live in Russia. =) (sorry, if I wrote it incorrect. I need practise my speech)

СообщениеДобавлено: 26.10.2005 18:39
NapalmNymph писал(а):Our government is killing UK with new laws Изображение

Stupid law! Now you must to be like a clown with different coloured gun?
It's military simulator - not a kidding. I suppose they afraid to muddle you with terrorists.

СообщениеДобавлено: 27.10.2005 03:04
I think it is good the police shoot people who run in street with gun and mask on their face... Airsofters have respect for guns and people so we dont do this.....no need for us to have pink guns... :mad:

I'd join the Police but they would give me a MP5 but I want a kalashnikov. :lol:

Move to russia, yes I will, but after my son ends school here, wait 3 years! :wink:


СообщениеДобавлено: 27.10.2005 13:49
Ilya S.
What about it?


Yeah, Putin in you hand save UK - 100%. ;)
Wait till 2008 and who knows, maybe you save money for postage.

СообщениеДобавлено: 27.10.2005 22:32
Oh, my god!
Who made it???!!!!!!!!
It looks like AEG made from bones.....

and what about tuning in your new laws?
Is it limited?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.10.2005 00:11
Vader [НАБАТ] писал(а):Riht
Oh, my god!
Who made it???!!!!!!!!
It looks like AEG made from bones.....

drifting into off-topic, but this sure looks like TDI Arms furniture/accessories on the Arsenal-made AK.

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.10.2005 02:27
Vader писал(а):NapalmNymph
and what about tuning in your new laws?
Is it limited?

Tuning was always limited in UK, but the government in all their great wisdom, have said they will allow weapons up to 4joules in power!!!!! :shock:

So, Pink Kalashnikov may look stupid, but it is gonna hurt you!!!! :roll: :lol:

Riht писал(а):What about it?


СообщениеДобавлено: 28.10.2005 16:38
NapalmNymph писал(а):Изображение

Same feeling. =)

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.10.2005 18:34
Ilya S.
CTAC писал(а):drifting into off-topic, but this sure looks like TDI Arms furniture/accessories on the Arsenal-made AK.

You right, but it's ММГ. "Hunting&Arms 2005" show.

NapalmNymph писал(а):So, Pink Kalashnikov may look stupid, but it is gonna hurt you!!!! :roll: :lol:

Wait a moment, I just buy new "banny" camo.
It's looks almost as multicam, but cheaper.

СообщениеДобавлено: 28.10.2005 20:44
To Riht


СообщениеДобавлено: 16.11.2005 04:25
I just need to post this from our september-game. Why not we.


СообщениеДобавлено: 16.11.2005 06:10
Haha! Pink bunny from Canada made it to Russian airsoft web site :) If I'm not mistaken that pic was taken close to Ottawa couple of weeks ago.
Here's another Canadian airsoft "animal" :)

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.11.2005 12:12
2Hiro: is it Guarder BB container full of BB's in your hand ? :lol:

СообщениеДобавлено: 16.11.2005 16:47
No, it is actually youghurt. You need to keep your strenght when you organise games.