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greetings from usa

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.08.2004 11:19
great pictures! That first game must have been crazy!

I'm working on a russian/ussr-territory styled team in the US, funny to see guys over there are dressing like us!

have fun!

(and strikeball is much better name than 'airsoft' :razz: )

СообщениеДобавлено: 20.03.2014 08:48
Hello USA... I'm not Russian, so i lurk in this section until my attempt at Russian language improves enough to be allowed to play out there with the others :))))))))))))))))))) does your team have a website?

It does sound better to say you're a strikeballer/striker than an airsofter i agree...Or better still, combine the 2 names and have 'AirStrike' :smile: (not 'softball)