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Сообщение Tascabe 05.04.2011 22:02

Another year of East Wind has passed.

This year was a great year - field was over 750 Acres of playable area. Got to use the vehicles for a lot of missions.

Pictures are still being collected and uploaded but a large batch is already there

http://www.flickr.com/photos/28248345@N ... 337771248/

One of the Soviet troops also wrote a great story of his life at East Wind - warning: it is a large file but worth the read!

Сообщение Dj_stecca 22.04.2011 20:50

I think that the best and fun Airsoft Game coming from Russian Organizations....very very very nice job Bros, yoooo!!!!

Сообщение cham 24.08.2011 15:34

nice photos, comrades!