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Пилотка американского покроя

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.01.2006 15:25
Здраствуйте, кто может подсказать где можно купит или заказать пилотки классичекого американского покроя времен ВОВ.

СообщениеДобавлено: 11.01.2006 15:34

СообщениеДобавлено: 12.01.2006 23:12
Которые с Россией работают через жопу, за что огромное спасибо нашим соотечественникам - ворам :mad:

Due to rampant fraud, credit card payment will NOT be accepted for orders from the following countries:
1. Russia
2. Slovakia
3. Ukraine
4. Belarus
5. South Africa
6. Czech Republic
7. Romania
8. Indonesia
90 -100% of credit card orders we have received from these countries were paid for using stolen credit cards. If you're among the honest minority, sorry. Get your law enforcement people on the ball and we'll talk. We will automatically delete (trash) any orders from these countries unless they are paid for via international money order, Paypal or cash. No, we will not send you our bank account information for reasons that should be obvious.

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