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US Army Chemical Corps

ВС США в современной истории

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Сообщения: 798
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2007
Откуда: Москва
Команда: GOEIII Valencia
В игре: 2007
Сообщение Chlorum » 23.05.2008 20:05

Вопрос вот в чем: что сейчас использует Chemical Corps в качестве костюма химико-биологической защиты? Раньше, во всяком случае, использовался, как и маринами, OG84 (правда, в названии не использовалось слово "Marine" :smile: ). Знаю еще, что летчики использвали (и вроде используют как в армии, так и в USMC, так и USAF комбинезон типа British Lightweight Suit MK IV.

В чем переносят данное чудо (вроде бы видел, что в ALICE medium pack)?

Кто вообще, кроме Chemical Corps, сейчас у амеров занимается темой РХБЗ? Знаю, что как минимум Force Recon имели в своем составе группы химико-биологической разведки.

Всем заранее спасибо :oops:
¡Arriba España!
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Сообщения: 842
Зарегистрирован: 21.07.2006
Сообщение Bender » 25.05.2008 07:17 ... y/chem.htm

Я понял- всем просто лень что то искать....интереса нет.

the Chemical Corps does still exist just not like it did in the past. I didn't mean it was totally disbanded, sorry for that.
The "Soldier and Chemical, Biological Command" (SBCCOM) was disbanded 09 Oct. 2003 and was re-designated into the following organizations: RDECOM (Research, Development and Engineering Command); CMA(Chemical Materials Agency); GUARDIAN BRIGADE; PM NBC(PM Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense); and SSC(Soldiers System Center). These programs exist under the U.S. Army Materials Command (AMC).
So while the term "Chemical Corps" is still used, it's not the same program and is used as a general term.

Here is a short, modern breakdown of the active U.S. Army Chemical Warfare program based on the the Chemical Corps:

Chemical Company (Heavy Division) Contains a headquarters' platoon, a smoke platoon, a recon platoon and four decon platoons. Organic to this company is its' own maintenance section within the HQs PLT. The smoke platoon utilizes the M1059 Smoke Generator System or the M3A4 Smoke Generator mounted on HMMWVs. Each of the Decon platoons have three M12A1 Decon Apparatus' mounted on a five ton truck. The recon platoon uses the FOX NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle to conduct area reconnaissance.

Chemical Company (Light Division) Contains a headquarters' platoon and four dual purpose smoke & decontamination platoons. Again organic to the company is its' own maintenance section. The dual purpose platoons utilize the M17 SANATOR and the M3A4 smoke generators and the M12A1 decon apparatus'. The smoke generators are mounted on HMMWVs while the decon apparatus' are mounted on 5-ton trucks.

Chemical Company (Armored Cav Regiment) Contains a headquarters' platoon, a recon platoon and a decon platoon. The equipment is the same type as that which the heavy company uses.

Platoon Leader, Decontamination Platoon Responsible for providing NBC decontamination (DECON) and reconnaissance (RECON) support to a brigade-sized unit. The platoon may operate equipment DECON stations, conduct RECON operations to locate and report areas of NBC contamination. When the establishment of a DECON site is required, the platoon leader will receive elements from many different branches which they must task organize into an effective operation. Some examples of different elements include: infantry for perimeter defense; air defense; military police for traffic control; ordnance for maintenance; quartermaster for clothing and equipment exchange; engineer for site preparation; medical; and transportation. This is no easy task and requires a high degree of leadership, tactical and technical expertise.

Platoon Leader, Smoke Generator Platoon Responsible for providing large area smoke support, normally to a battalion-sized unit. The smoke platoon serves as a combat multiplier by reducing the vulnerability of maneuver battalions thorough the use of smoke screens. Smoke units are located throughout the battlefield from support facilities in the rear to the covering force areas. Typical smoke missions include screening maneuver units, concealing support facilities, concealing breaching operations, conducting deception operations, and screening likely avenues of approach for threat helicopters forcing them to fly higher, thus rendering them more vulnerable to friendly air defense systems. The smoke platoon uses its generators either in a mechanized, motorized, or ground-emplaced mode. The smoke platoon has the additional mission of supporting units in the perimeter defense and barrier plan through the use of flame fuel expedients.

Platoon Leader, NBC Reconnaissance Platoon Responsible for providing NBC reconnaissance (RECON) support to division and corps units. In the division, the RECON platoon is assigned to the Chemical Company, but attached to the Armored Cavalry Squadron. In the corps, the platoon is assigned to the Armored Cavalry Regiment. In either case, the platoon's mission is to locate, mark, and report areas of NBC contamination enabling the maneuver forces to avoid these areas. By accomplishing these RCON missions, the platoon can save the maneuver units many casualties and many hours of decontamination operations.

Battalion Chemical Officer Responsible for personally advising the battalion commander on all aspects of NBC warfare and for insuring the battalion is sufficiently trained to fight and win on the integrated battlefield. Not as glamorous as a platoon leader, it is one of the most demanding jobs for a second lieutenant. Few other lieutenants enjoy the equal status of the more senior officers on the battalion staff and personally advise the battalion commander. The battalion chemical officer must be aggressive, imaginative, a self- starter, and be able to "stand alone" as the resident expert in all aspects of NBC warfare. He also develops experience in all aspects of combined arms operations by working very closely with the battalion S-3. This affords the battalion chemical officer the opportunity to develop tactical and technical expertise in combined arms operations at a very early stage in his career. The battalion chemical officer can easily be described as the backbone of the Chemical Corps.
* While you are reading this- your enemy is training
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Сообщения: 798
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2007
Откуда: Москва
Команда: GOEIII Valencia
В игре: 2007
Сообщение Chlorum » 26.05.2008 17:35

Ох ты какой ответ. Конечно, без традиционной отсылки к гуглю во втором посте не может обойтись ни один тред. Был я в гугле. Был и на любезно указанных сайтах (кстати, на практически нет сведений о современных частях РХБЗ, там именно что музей - типа руководства 1919 года по использованию боевых газов да фотографий из Вьетнама. Интересно, что на одной фотке, похоже, запечатлен советский солдат с полевым минометом и газовой миной)

Да только интересующей меня информации в полном объеме, к сожалению, не нашел.

По пунктам.

1. Структуру Chemical Corps видел, про разделение на Heavy и Light Divisions, Cav Rgt и прикомандированных к частям офицеров, про разделение на recon да decon знаю. Вопрос был - кто еще, кроме Chemical Corps занимается/занимался указанной проблемой?

2. Про используемую технику я читал - и про FOX, и про газогенераторы да деконтоминаторы... Имею даже некую коллекцию фоток этой техники хотя бы в том же Ираке, как в первую, так и во вторую кампанию. Вопрос же был не про технику, а про личные защитные костюмы - что используется и как переносится? Кроме OG84 и разных противогазов у маринов и арми (не авиационных соединений), переносимых вроде бы в ALICE medium (одно-единственное упоминание в личных записях курсанта кемикал скул) не видел ничего. Про систему MOPP тоже знаю, во избежание дальнейших отсылов к гуглю. Но OG84 хрень довольно древняя - не было ли введено чего новее?

Заранее спасибо.
¡Arriba España!
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Сообщения: 842
Зарегистрирован: 21.07.2006
Сообщение Bender » 28.05.2008 01:12

подготавливаю развернутый ответ.
* While you are reading this- your enemy is training
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Сообщения: 798
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2007
Откуда: Москва
Команда: GOEIII Valencia
В игре: 2007
Сообщение Chlorum » 28.05.2008 02:46

СПАСИБО! Правда :oops:
¡Arriba España!
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